Welcome to Fall 2021! Everyone is excited to be back on campus and we have a bunch of performances this fall semester. Welcome to Emma Sovacool of Westlake, OH! (She is in the back row playing surdo!) We are glad to have you join us!

Upcoming performances this fall
- Thursday, Sept. 9 at Lock 3 Park in Akron – UA’s Community Celebration! The Steel Drum Band, African Drumming Ensemble and UA Samba will be performing from 4:30pm – 5:30pm. “Ohio’s Pride,” the UA Marching Band will be performing as well!
- Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 25 and 26 – the Steel Drum Band is performing at the Barberton MumFest! Saturday at 1pm and 3pm, and Sunday at 11:30am and 1:30pm.
Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 7:30pm – UA School of Music’s annual Collage concert at EJ Thomas Hall – this is a celebration of of all of the different ensembles and studios, including the Steel Drum Band.
Mark your calendars for our annual spring concert at EJ Thomas Hall – Saturday, April 16, 2022!
Much more to come!