Special VIP package!

For the first time since 2019, The University of Akron Steel Drum Band will be live, on stage! Join us for the band’s return and its traditional spring concert:
- Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 8 p.m.
- EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall
The concert will feature guest percussionist Michael Spiro and alumni from the past four decades, as the band celebrates its 40th anniversary, which was postponed in 2020.
Tickets and VIP Experiences now on sale!
- $22 reserved seats
- $20 senior citizens and UA faculty/staff
- $11 students
Email claudiak@uakron.edu or call 330-972-8508
For the true Steel Drum fan! These $125 VIP tickets include:
- Invitation to a private, pre-concert reception at EJ Thomas, hosted by sponsors Dr. and Mrs. William Demas, who will be joined by Michael Spiro
- Orchestra seating
- Unique Don Drumm-created medallion
- Parking pass
- $103 tax deductible gift toward percussion scholarships at UA
Learn more about the band, buy CDs/DVDs, or download music: www.UASteelBand.com
Can’t attend? Support the Steel Drum Band with a gift today! DONATE NOW